Maybe I could be a developer for a freebie MMO? Hell I don't even need to know how to spell "too!"
So, I'm getting ready to play some Luna Online so that I can give it a fair review, and it has me thinking “What's the point?” Every level gained is getting me nowhere. In other games, in the back of my mind, I was like, “Well only x more levels until I can access this new dungeon.” I've already reached out to the community, asking about how I could possibly make my grinding easier and if there was an endgame worth leveling for. As far as I know the game is just a mindless grind until 85! Then it just turns into a super grind fest with levels that will take your average player up to a week to gain. What the fuck, game? Now, I've already played quite a few free MMOs, and I've noticed there is just no end game content. For some reason a lot of people are okay with this, and will even subject themselves to blatant fanboyism. But, why? Do they just not know of games where you get to max level and have something to do? Is this game really that addicting to them? It seems that their level is just a number for bragging rights. But, then again, who the hell would care to hear you brag about Luna Online?
All major MMOs have an end game of sorts, or at least the good ones trying to hold the attention of your average MMO gamer. New MMOs that launch usually have the problem of forgetting to add an endgame. People get to the end of the leveling and then, that's it, there's nothing to do. Maybe it's time for free developers to wake up, take a look at the games that work, and maybe start adding some content. That is, content that goes further than updating the cash shop; I do not desire a new outfit, at this point. I just want some fun dungeons! Or even, maybe, a working party system? I mean, we're the ones paying your developers by buying cash shop items, we might as well get a decent game to play. When a game starts getting boring at 30, there is probably a slim chance in hell I'm going to want to spend money on it. I wish I could find the number of people who quit before even reaching 50, that might prove some kind of point to them. But, by now, I think their profit reports look something like: “Ohfuckitweremakingjustenoughmoneynoneedtotry.” GIVE ME SOMETHING THAT DOESNT INVOLVE BROKEN PVP, OR JOINING A GUILD. Whew! It's going to be a long month, reviewing this game. Someone should buy me a drink!
Okay, back on topic. Let's talk about their cash shop, I'm afraid it might be what interferes with raid dungeons. They want you to buy the expensive, 30 day online, strong weapons. Then there is the other spectrum, where they have something that's uber rare. You need to do outrageous things and drop enormous amounts of cash on it. The least they could do is lessen the grind, this isn't helping their company at all. People are quitting, people who would have possibly purchased items from the cash shop. Drop the exp scroll bullshit and use the cash shop for vanity. No one really enjoys playing a game where cash rules like that, we all want to have fair playing grounds.
So, if you are playing a freebie game and it's sounding like this, do something! There is no reason that a shoddy game should be allowed on the market like this! At least you have your loyal blogger to hear about which freebie MMOs are crap and which might actually be worth paying for. So if you are following us, look for my concrete review on Luna Online in a few weeks. At the rate this game is going, the scores are looking pretty grim for it. Well, they might have something to impress me before I review it! Their Valentines Day event sure isn't wowing me.
Luna does seem fun at first.
ReplyDeleteBut i've lost my want to play it... D: It's boring now...