Friday, February 26, 2010

Luna Online Full Review

Well, here it is, MMO-rphines first review! If you've been following all of the follow ups I've written, then you probably know the direction in which this review is going.

This is what your characters look like. You should see the NPCs though

Luna Online starts off innocent enough. The music is nothing to write home about. The graphics are bright and cutesy, not bad at all to look at. The character customization is really crappy and you have a hard time telling if you are a boy or girl. Of course, if you wanna look uber kewl you'll have to buy cash shop credits. So they throw you off in the starter area where every girl has huge, heaving breasts and armor that barely covers anything. Yet, for some reason the characters are little, underdeveloped children. The quests are very stream lined and you'll be able to knock them down quickly and level up fast. Combat is quick and it's really nice you don't have to loot anything, lets you focus more on the killing.

Hey look this hamster is playing Luna Online!

Eventually, you'll graduate from there and just go to the next generic town, and then the next, and the next, then that's when it happens. Your quest log starts getting a little thin. You either have to do really unrewarding quests that make you walk like 3-4 zones away THEN back! It's just a scam to get you to buy their teleporting map item so you don't have to walk. Your next choice is to just run repeatable quests over, and over, and over, and over again. I mean literally for hours, same quest, same monsters, no fun. Did I mention there is no end game content? So your grinding only leads you to dun-da-dun-da MORE GRINDING! Oh. and don't die unless you want to lose about an hours worth of work in a few seconds. Yes, the game is a grind and it's not bad at first with it's quick combat but, like anything done over and over with no end in sight, it's going to drive you crazy. Unless you are one of the blind fans who must have never played a good RPG and continue to play this crap trap. Some of them report that levels past the 90's may take a weeks worth of playing to achieve for us normal folk! A FUCKING WEEK TO LEVEL WITH NO END GAME? WHAT IS THE POINT!

Wut noob? You said you were level 9000!

So, now we know the game is a grind, but what else is there to do? Well, the game boasts an “innovative date system”, and by innovation I mean total fucking garbage. Also, this innovation dictates the instances in the game. The instances are highly generic and there is no real reward to them except being able to grind monsters in them. So, you wanna run one of these instances? First, you have to find someone of the opposite sex. They must be a certain match level since, you know, if you guys aren't compatible it's hard to kill mobs together. You must be in a party, which requires you to be right next to the person, so lets hope they aren't like 5 zones away. FINALLY! We can do a dungeon! Yay! But only three a day. They really need to color code the names so you know if its a boy or girl. All of the characters look like wimpy metro sexual faggots. So, if you play a male, expect to get people sending you tells saying “Girl?” Seriously, get rid of your flawed innovation system, it's garbage, along with this whole game.
The whole UI is nothing special just a hum drum copy of the WoW one, except not as fluid. The quest tracker blows, the quest log is in broken engrish, so sometimes figuring shit out is like piecing together hieroglyphics to find the lost arc. Some of the quests just keep repeating for some reason even though it doesn't tag them as repeatable. There are quests called (linkage) which, I have no clue what the fuck it means. I googled it to find no answer, don't expect a whole lot of info on this game. In fact, stay away from it. It was a long, long, long month, and I groaned anytime I had to play this game. There is no satisfaction from it at all and you'll probably grow bored before level 30. Do yourself a favor and just step away, far away.

Final Score: 4/10


  1. I remember a few years back when these type of Korean MMOS took off. The big one as I recall was Ragnarok Online. It had a massive following, and probably still does. But as soon as I discovered it was by Koreans(tm), I thought: "KOF 2000" and left.

  2. Yeah this one really blows. The one I'm playing now blows too. The goal is to find one that doesn't blow. Is it possible?!
