with a larger selection of features.
This game has one huge shining aspect to it: It took a huge que from Blizzards UI and it is hands down one of the nicest, and cleanest UI's I've seen in a free to play MMO. Most games fall short on their UI, and some games' UI even ends up making the game more of a hassle to play.
There are all the functions you'd expect in WoW, like sharing quests, a quest tracker, and a detailed mini map. Oh, and did I mention you get a little pet that looks like a freaking tamagachi that you send to do your dirty work? Heck yeah! That little bastard can mine for you, forage through jungles, and then come home like a little bitch to make his master a new level 8 gun. The features depend on what type of pet you choose, and there's a type to fit every class.
So far I'm digging the game and it's one of the more enjoyable free to plays. I'm level 10 now, and it's not too much of a grind so far but, hey, this isn't over yet. Well, back to the grind my friends.
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